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Terms of Reference

Urchfont Neighbourhood Development Plan - Now h

Parish Council Working Group to develop a Community Access/Travel Plan to initially incorporate School, Pre-school, Village Playing Field and Cricket Ground.

Members:  3 Councillors and 3 Residents

Nicky Mitchell, Bill Donald, Royston Thomas, Lisa Kinnaird, Emma Little and Jane Sanger

Investigate the following issues, including interaction with other interested parties, and make proposals to the Parish Council on potential resolution / improvement schemes:

  1. Improvement of pedestrian and cyclist safety at School Top Green Entrance
  2. Creation of a safe pedestrian and cyclist access to the Village Playing Field and connection to the new northern pathway to Oakfrith Wood
  3. Reduction of the number of cars using the school drop off and collection points by encouraging car sharing, usage of the Community Bus, other buses / coaches  and walking to school.
  4. Reduction of traffic congestion on Blackboard Lane.
  5. Creation of a designated bus drop off/collection point for the School
  6. Ensuring safe access to the Cricket Ground

Progress reports to the Parish Council are to be made on a monthly basis.

Approved 2nd April 2014




Urchfont parish has not experienced any significant road safety issues in recent years, but as a residential community whose basic road structure was laid out over 200 years ago, there are concerns about maintaining pedestrian, driver and vehicle safety with current levels of traffic and vehicle design/use.


The working group was set up pursuant to item 11 recorded in the minutes of the meeting of Urchfont Parish Council held on 12 February 2014, viz:

“Debate concluded with agreement to set up a working group consisting initially of DM and GD to consider the wider road safety issues and propose a way forward. BL asked that draft terms of reference, including a proposed reporting timescale, be provided for approval at the next meeting.”


Cllr David Mottram

Cllr Graham Day


The following activities of interest and actions are offered for full Urchfont Parish Council discussion and agreement:

ACTIVITY 1 – Traffic Speed on B3098

This is a designated CAT secondary distributor in the Wiltshire Council Road Classification system, and carries a 30mph speed limit between established boundaries towards the eastern and western ends of the village. An established Community Speedwatch Team currently operates at three approved sites along the road, and monitors the following at designated times of the month:

  1. the total number of vehicles passing through the village on this road
  2. the number of vehicles exceeding a speed limit advised by Wiltshire Police


When available, 6 months worth of statistics should be presented to UPC to enable discussion as to whether this exercise is producing any measurable improvement in reducing the percentage, and total number, of vehicles driving though the village at illegal speed.

ACTIVITY 2 – Extension of the 30mph limit on the B3098

UPC , with support from Wiltshire Councillor for Urchfont & The Cannings, is already engaged in an exercise to extend the limits of the 30mph area to ensure that all houses in Urchfont are included within the restricted area.


It is proposed that UPC continue to work with our Wiltshire Councillor in a continuing process designed to extend the boundaries of the 30mph area. Limited progress has been made to date i.e. traffic planners have agreed to introduce a 40mph limit (a reduction from the existing 50mph limit) on the B3098 immediately west of Urchfont but their proposed 40mph extends eastward into the existing 30mph limit. This is clearly not acceptable, but the hope is that further persuasion may produce the desired result. The challenge with this approach is that there is no defined time-scale to success.

ACTIVITY 3 – Reduced traffic speeds within Urchfont village core

There is a view that a lower speed limit should be applied within the core of the village - - particularly along the High Street, The Green and the vicinity of the school and the Village Hall. Access to this area is achieved via 3 roads: - The High Street (via entrance at the triangle), Blackboard Lane, and Crookwood Lane. Wiltshire Council recognises the benefits of 20mph areas and zones as a contribution to enhanced pedestrian safety and a reduction in the number of accidents within the more heavily populated areas of rural villages.


UPC has submitted a proposal for a 20mph speed limit in the centre of Urchfont to Wiltshire Council. This submission is one of 10, of which a maximum of 2 will probably be implemented. We await the outcome of the appraisal process later this year.

ACTIVITY 4 – Safety at eastern exit from Wedhampton

Most residents acknowledge that exiting Wedhampton by vehicle via its eastern junction with the A342 is dangerous. The prescribed route for the Urchfont Community Bus service always avoids this junction.


Consult with Wedhampton residents,  Wiltshire Council and Wiltshire Police traffic management about the benefits of making this junction a No Exit junction from Wedhampton onto the A342.

ACTIVITY 5 – Parking in the parish

Indiscriminate vehicle parking in the community can restrict access and traffic flow. While this can be a useful measure in reducing vehicle speed, it allows for other dangers (e.g. children running into roads from behind parked vehicles; inability of emergency response vehicles to access specific locations in the event of an emergency).

The general issue of parking is also a prevalent and topical issue in the vicinity of the school, particularly at the beginning and end of the school day. There is already active discussion about the competing needs for parking between parents and drivers of the school bus run.


Compile a list of “hot spots” where on-road parking is a particular problem, and review possible amelioration actions e.g. encouragement to use garages and/or driveways, road markings. Contributions from other UPC Councillors  to this exercise would be welcomed.

ACTIVITY 6  - Review of road signage

There is some eccentric road signage within Urchfont, the most extreme example possibly being the National Speed Limit sign on Crooks Lane some 30 yards from the junction with the B3098.


Compile a list of all road signs within Urchfont to check for their validity and mutual compatibility.

ACTIVITY 7 – Large agricultural machinery

There is ongoing discussion about the effects of large agricultural vehicles moving through the vehicle – reference the recent discussion about straw being brushed off trailers and blocking the surface water drains.


Re-consider the feasibility of a “tractor bypass” following completion of all land ownership transfers following the sale of Urchfont Manor.

Approved 14th May 2014

UPC SECTION 106 WORKING GROUP - Now disbanded 

Farmer's Field Working Group Terms of Reference.
The Working Group is solely responsible to Urchfont Parish Council as guardians of the Field
Purpose The purpose of the working group is to:
1 Review the proposals made in the WWT Farmers Field Management Plan (UPC approved) together with other community ideas and propose a definitive plan to UPC for future works and funding 2 Manage works and funding once approved 3 Develop and encourage wider use of Farmer’s Field by the local community through publicity and to ensure it remains a protected and natural environment
Membership Three members of the Parish Council Two members of Friends of Farmer’s Field

The Working Group will:

1. Provide a forum for discussion and debate with regard to the Plan for works and future management of Farmer’s Field

2. Make definitive proposals to UPC for approval in relation to proposed works and associated funding prior to any works taking place, initial proposals to be made by September 2018.

3. Ensure timely information and updates to the wider community when appropriate, initial presentation to be made at the April 2018 Parish Meeting.

4. Report progress to UPC meetings at least every two months or more regularly if necessary

5. Act in an advisory role to UPC as necessary

(Approved 14th March 2018)