Parish Council Notices
4 External Defibrillators available 24/7 are located outside at:
- Urchfont Community Shop
- Wedhampton (Mr. Ellis's Barn)
- Urchfont Village Hall
- Planks Farm Shop Lydeway
In an Emergency: Dial 999 and Wiltshire Ambulance will give you the code to open the cabinet housing one of the 4 external defibrillators. Someone must stay with the casualty and someone run for the defibrillator. Punch in the code, remove the defibrillator and return to the casualty. Open the case and follow the verbal instructions until Ambulance Crew arrive..
If you live in the Parish and are interested in an allotment then please contact Joyce Organ on 01380 848233 or email her on
You can find out more about the Urchfont Allotments by clicking on Allotment Page.
The new permanent pathway to Oakfrith Wood from the Playing Field (with access to public right of way footpath URCH04 which crosses the new path from Crookwood Lane to Witchell Lane), is now open for public use on the following basis:
- This pathway is intended for pedestrian use only.
- Horses / Motor vehicles / Motor Bikes are NOT permitted (Except for mobility scooters)
- DOGS ARE PERMITTED, but must be kept under control at all times and all dog waste removed
- Dogs are NOT permitted access to the Playing Field at any time
- Gates are to be kept shut at all times when not in use
Ownership of the new pathway to Oakfrith Wood has now been transferred from Wiltshire Council to Urchfont Parish Council. The Parish Council is now responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the path, if you have any concerns or comments in this respect please contact the Clerk to the Council.
It appears to be getting worse again, especially along footpaths and bridle ways.
Unfortunately there are still some irresponsible and inconsiderate dog owners who continue to allow their dogs to foul footpaths, pavements and other public spaces without clearing up after them.
This not only presents a potential health risk especially to children, but is also a risk for ‘Rights of Way’ volunteers who spend their time keeping our footpaths and by-ways clear of overgrown vegetation. How would you like to be spattered with dog pooh whilst using maintenance equipment?
Please ‘Bag it and bin it’ in any public litter bin in the Parish or take it home and place it in your household waste wheelie bin. Do not drop or leave your filled plastic bag on pathways, in bushes etc; this appears to be an increasing trend in a number of areas locally.
Please be aware that it is an offence not to clean up after your dog; the Wiltshire Council Dog Warden has confirmed that he will take action against anyone who disregards this legal requirement. If you see anyone committing this offence, please contact the dog warden on 07810 505583 or 01380 734783.
Please also remember that dogs are not permitted on Urchfont Playing Field at any time for public health reasons.

The Parish Council constantly encourages dog owners to 'bag it and bin it' when their dogs foul pavements, footpaths etc.
It now appears that horse riders are riding on and allowing their horses to foul pavements in the Parish without removing the droppings - as evidenced by this photo which was taken recently just west of The Croft along the B3098.
Rule 57 of the Highway Code states that "You must not take a horse onto a footpath or pavement".
Whilst for safety reasons on a busy road such as the B3098 this Rule may have to be temporarily disregarded and may be acceptable in the absence of any pedestrians, the leaving of horse droppings on a pavement is considered unacceptable and a significant hazard / obstruction for pedestrians.
Horse riders are requested to be responsible and clear up after their horses by removing the droppings or at least pushing them into the road.
A number of comments have again been received about trees and/or shrubs in private gardens which are overhanging and/or obstructing pavements and/or roads in the Parish. As such they present a potential safety hazard or inconvenience to other members of the public, in particular those walking or using wheelchairs, mobility scooters or pushchairs.
A further worrying and inconvenient side effect of trees / shrubs overhanging highways is that drains and gullies are being blocked by straw and other materials dragged off farm / commercial vehicles or from the overhanging trees / shrubs themselves.
Householders are reminded that they have a legal responsibility to keep all public highways (pavements and roads) free of obstruction – you may be held liable in the event of an accident or incident (including flooding). Please inspect your property boundaries where they border pavements/roads and remove overhanging trees / shrubs as soon as possible.
Instances have been reported where members of the public have been seen wandering around the allotment site, in some cases with dogs off the lead. This is not acceptable.
The allotments are on private land owned by the Parish Council;
- A PERMISSIVE path exists directly from the gate in The Croft to the cemetery gate opposite the cremation plots for visitors to the cemetery only.
- Dogs are allowed on this permissive path with visitors to the cemetery but must be kept strictly under control and on a lead at all times. Please clear up after your dog and close gates behind you when using this permissive facility.
Members of the public are not permitted to wander around the allotment grounds at any time and may be challenged by allotment holders or members of the Parish Council.
A reasonable amount of fly-posting is considered acceptable providing that it relates to specific activities and events within or involving the Parish; any other posters will be removed.
More importantly it is expected that organisers will remove posters immediately after an event has happened, including removal of the drawing pins, staples or other fixings used. It has been noticed recently that a number of posters / signs have been left in place for significant periods after an event, this is not acceptable.