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It was decided at the Parish Council meeting on 12th July 2017 to replace the Community Grant Scheme with immediate effect by a new Financial Assistance Policy offering a more flexible and wider benefit approach. The key factors of the new policy are:

  • That applicants can approach the Council at any time during the year, there is no deadline for applications or requirement to wait until the following financial year for payment
  • Each application will need to gain the sponsorship and oversight of a Parish Councillor
  • Funding will be awarded from the Parish Council project rather than grants budget if and when approved
  • Financial assistance can only be for capital project proposals
  • That the proposal will need to demonstrate benefit to the wider Parish community rather than just to the organisation or group making the application
  • Applications will only be accepted if submitted on the Parish Council form available on the website.

The new policy, procedure and application form can be found HERE.

PRIVATE FARM ROAD FROM CEMETERY LANE – Understandably the road leading up to the ridge from Cemetery Lane across Snook farmland has been closed to the public whilst the grain dryer was being built for H&S reasons. Whilst the road is not a public right of way, the Snook family allowed the public to use the path in the past for dog walking. The route is a relatively dry and clean option to the local bridle paths and footpaths which can become very muddy, overgrown and hazardous to those on foot especially during winter months. Since completion of the dryer I (Clerk) have been getting an increasing number of enquiries from local residents as to when the road will be open for use again, not only up to the line of the electricity pylons but also access to the ridge. I, therefore, emailed the Snook family to gain their thoughts on re-opening the road, it was suggested that they might consider making it a permissive route so that it can be closed when necessary.

I have now received a reply from Mr John Snook in which he “reluctantly” states that it has been decidedNOT to re-open the road to the public for the present”. He includes the following statement in his letter:

“The use of our private farm road was enjoyed and appreciated by many people but was also being abused by some which caused us problems.  We allowed it as a goodwill gesture to the residents of Urchfont but unfortunately some walkers were reluctant to move aside for farm traffic thus causing tractors etc. to come to a standstill and it appeared as if the walkers were doing us a favour in moving aside!  In addition the grass verges were littered with dog poo which made it unpleasant for tractor drivers should they have to get off their machines.  The track was also being used on occasion by cyclists, horses and even some cars.”

Please respect this decision, UPC hope that it will be reconsidered in the near future.?

(Published 20th February 2017)


Voting took place in the UWLNP Referendum on 20th April 2017. The declared result was carried 0n the basis that 367 electors voted YES and 43 voted NO to the question asked. Turnout was 44.07%.

(Published 21st April 2017)

NEW PATH TO CEMETERY FROM THE CROFT - a new fenced path has been completed giving direct access to the cemetery from The Croft without having to go through the allotments. The existing gate to the allotments by the cremation plots has been sealed off and new signage has been erected. The public are no longer permitted to enter the allotment grounds which is private land owned by the Parish Council. My (Clerk to the Council) thanks go to the allotment holder’s working party who at my request cleared a good deal of the rubbish that had accumulated across the site of the new path in preparation for contracted works.?

(Updated 24th February 2017)


Traffic speeds were automatically recorded recently at two points between Crooks Lane and the existing 30mph speed zone signs (see data below). The objective being to provide evidence for the possible reduction of the 60mph zone over this section of the B3098 and in Crooks Lane. This evidence together with other measures to try and encourage drivers to slow down as they enter the Village will be considered further by WC in consultation with the Parish Council.

  • Site A – equipment mounted on traffic sign east of Rookery View – average speed of 3833 vehicles were recorded as 41mph eastbound and 40mph westbound.
  • Site B – equipment installed adjacent to the layby on the southern side of the B3098 – average speeds of 3642 vehicles were recorded as 43mph eastbound and 42mph westbound.

(Published 23rd July 2017)


Vehicle damage to grass verges (and some pavements) in the Parish is noticeably increasing, this not only creates hazards for pedestrians but reduces / disfigures green spaces which are costly to repair. More fundamentally the damage is spoiling the appearance of the Village environment.

Whilst such damage is often blamed on large farm or contractors vehicles passing through our community, in reality it is actually being caused by all types of private and commercial vehicles through impatience, inconsiderate parking on narrow roads / parking areas / verges / pavements and inconsiderate driver behaviour in general. All vehicles / drivers are entitled to use our roads safely and considerately assuming that they are appropriately licensed, taxed and insured, they are NOT entitled to damage property whether it be private or community owned land.

A plea to ALL drivers using our Parish roads, please respect our Parish environment – drive carefully, safely and with consideration for all other road users and residents – avoid driving over or parking on grass verges and pavements; you may be held liable for the repair of any damage that you cause.

(Published 21st February 2018)


Following an application submitted by the Parish Council to Wiltshire Council, the decision has been taken to list the Inn and adjacent land and outbuildings as an Asset of Community Value.

This decision has been taken because The Lamb Inn is the last remaining pub in the village of Urchfont and it provides a meeting place for individuals, families, small groups and local organisations. It is the home venue for various skittles teams and it is used by local tennis, cricket and croquet clubs. The Community Shop and Post Office currently occupy an outbuilding belonging to the pub, which provides a valuable local service to the community.

An entry has been made on the Land Register and the owner of the asset cannot dispose of it without satisfying a number of criteria in consultation with Wiltshire Council; this could facilitate the opportunity for a community interest group to be treated as a potential bidder.

Unless the entry is challenged, The Lamb Inn remains on this list until 26th July 2022.

(Published on 3rd August 2017)


Boule is the French alternative to Bowls, but it is played with metal balls rather than wood, on a hard ‘piste’ rather than on a grass bowling green. And it’s a little bit less sedate!

There is a boule piste in the garden of The Lamb Inn at Urchfont, available for customers’ use, and if you are new to the game then you can even borrow a set of boules to try your hand.

Boule is a convivial game and what could be more convivial than an outdoors glass of wine or beer, or a warming coffee or hot chocolate? And in addition to the dining menu there is a tempting variety of Panini or baguettes with fillings, salads, ploughman’s etc.

So, if you would be interested in playing boule locally then The Lamb Inn would be happy to host some regular players. Call Steve Ellis on 01380 738604, (or email s.ellis917@BTinternet.com), and we will arrange a meeting to see if the idea can ‘roll’! (12th August 2014)


Friends of Farmers Field have issued a bulletin giving details of current works, plans for the future and a bird box sponsorship scheme - CLICK HERE to see the bulletin.


Footpaths and Bridleways have been subject to an abnormal growing season this year; some say as much as 40% more than usual. This has meant that many routes have been overgrown with brambles, stinging nettles and other vegetation making it very difficult if not impossible for walkers in particular.

Having received a number of complaints / comments about the state of these routes within the Parish, it is important to correct the perception of some that it is the responsibility of the Parish Rights of Way Group to keep these routes clear. It is not, the responsibility rests with the owners of the land through which the footpath, bridleway or other public right of way passes, whether it is a private owner or public body such as Wiltshire Council that is subject to significant financial and manpower constraints and must prioritise their actions.

The Parish Rights-of-Way Group (RWG) is a small band of local volunteers who give up a considerable amount of their personal time to help maintain the numerous routes that run through our Parish, they do it for you and the community! They have been working very hard recently and many of the routes are now much improved for all to use and enjoy.

However, YOU could possibly do more to help keep our Parish footpaths etc. accessible, clean and enjoyable for all:

  • If you have bushes, trees or hedges growing on your property that border any form of Public Right-of-Way (including public highways / roads, pavements, footpaths and bridleways), you have a legal responsibility to ensure that nothing overhangs or encroaches which may impede progress for users on foot, in vehicles, on bikes or riding horses? The fact that you may have a fence within your property boundary does not absolve you of responsibility for the strip of land outside the fence which you may also own. Do not forget that if your overhanging vegetation brushes material off of passing vehicles then this could then block local drains and lead to flooding in due course. THERE ARE A NUMBER OF PROPERTIES WITHIN THE PARISH THAT CURRENTLY HAVE OVERHANGING VEGETATION, IS YOURS ONE OF THEM?? Some households will receive letters from the Parish Council in this respect.
  • Please help the RWG and the community by regularly trimming-back your own bushes, trees or hedges which may overhang / impede Public Rights-of-Way; dispose of the cuttings in your green bins. Remember that it is illegal to dump your garden waste material on any Public Right-of-Way.
  • Irresponsible dog owners who allow their dogs to pooh on any Public Right-of-Way (footpaths, bridle ways, pavements, roads etc.) and do not clear it up are not only breaking the law and subject to potential prosecution, but also leave an additional unhealthy hazard for anyone who is trying to maintain the route or even just walking it. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BAG IT AND BIN IT! Any public litter bin within the Parish can be used for disposal of this waste.


Wiltshire Rural Housing Association have advised the Parish Council that they are in the process of advertising affordable homes for rent and shared ownership homes in Manor Farmyard, Urchfont. Registration through Homes 4 Wiltshire and/or Help to Buy South respectively is required before you can apply. To be considered you will require a local connection to Urchfont or a neighbouring parish. 

CLICK HERE to see more information about affordable homes to rent

CLICK HERE to see mre information about shared ownership homes


Following analysis of the School Travel Survey, the final version of the Urchfont Community and School Travel Plan has been agreed and an application for Capital Grant Funding has been submitted. The Travel Plan can be downloaded by clicking here.

The Travel Plan comprises measures and initiatives to improve community pedestrian and cycling safety along the routes to the school and to the community playing field.

This is the initial step to gain possible funding for these measures proposed for 2015. However, be reassured, as the project develops, public consultation will form part of the process.


This update is for anyone who might be feeling a little confused as to what this development and the road thereon will actually be called when completed, we have been assured by Redcliffe Homes that it will be called MANOR FARMYARD and that a post code has been issued in this respect. This is the name that the Parish Council approved.

However, for marketing purposes only, you may have seen that it was first advertised as Snook's Yard on the display board at the site, this has now been changed to Badelynge Yard which is the name for a collection of ducks. House types on the development are being named after individual duck species.