Manor Farm Development

Redcliffe homes are currently preparing a planning application for the development of this important site in the Parish. They are currently consulting with the local community, Urchfont Parish Council and Wiltshire Council amongst others on the details of this application. Further details appear below:
22nd November 2011 - Public meeting held in Urchfont Village Hall - to see notes click here.
25th January 2012 - The latest information available is that a Planning Application is to be submitted at the end of January and is likely to appear before the Urchfont Parish Council Planning Committee on the 7th March 2012. Urchfont Parish Council has requested Redcliffe Homes to hold a further public meeting before this date to explain specific details of the plan submitted.
9th February 2012 - Redcliffe Homes have now submitted the planning application and it is registered on the Wiltshire Council website under application numbers E/2012/0147/FUL (the full application) and E/2012/0148/CAC (the Conservation Area Consent). In order to see full details of these applications please follow the link from the Current Planning Applications page on this website. Urchfont Parish Council are currently working to set up a public meeting where these plans can be discussed with the Parish Council, Redcliffe Homes (the developers), and hopefully representatives from Wiltshire Council Planning Department.
28th February 2012 - Urchfont Parish Council held an informal public meeting in the Village Hall to facilitate viewing of the registered planning documents by members of the community, around100 members of the public attended. The viewing was attended by all Urchfont Parish Councillors, Peter Haywood from Redliffe Homes and Justin Paterson from Boon Brown Architects who answered questions and clarified the development proposals using plans and drawings. Members of the public were invited to record their comments, issues and concerns on feedback sheets which will be used to inform the Parish Council Planning Committee in preparation for their meeting on 7th March 2012 when they will review and formally comment on the application to Wiltshire Council Planning Dept. In preparation for this meeting, the Parish Council have analysed the comments made. This analysis can be seen by clicking here. Comments on this analysis have been provided by Justin Paterson, the architect. To view his comments, please click here. Please note that his document cross refernces to the analysis document.
7th March 2012 - The development of Manor Farmyard was considered by Urchfont Parish Council’s Planning Committee on Wednesday 7th March 2012.Approximately 20 members of the public attended, six of them spoke objecting to the application during the Public Participation session. Speakers expressed concern about many factors which they felt were pertinent. Two persons broadly spoke in favour of the application.A detailed Council discussion then ensued with Councillors on the Planning Committee raising a number of concerns. A majority vote to ‘Object’ to the planning proposal was passed with 8 Councillors in favour and two against.The reason for the Objection has been documented as “Their (Parish Council Planning Committee) main objection being the impact on the centre of the Conservation Area created by the length of the combined buildings in plots 18 & 19, resulting in a continuous building of approximately 53 metres. Urchfont Parish Council would be very happy to engage in further discussion regarding the design of these two plots”.Further talks with relevant parties are already planned. Click Here to see draft minutes of this meeting.
16th July 2012 - Amended plans have been submitted by Redcliffe Homes, these will be on view to the public and subject to discussion at an Urchfont Parish Council Interim Planning meeting on 26th July 2012. They can also be viewed on the Wiltshire Council Website. The new plans are attached to the original planning application. Please click here to access the details of the planning application.
26th July 2012 - Public viewing of amended plans followed by Planning Committee Meeting at which the following decision was made:
"The Planning Committee of Urchfont Parish Council SUPPORT the above proposal, with the following conditions;
- That a site management plan be approved by Wiltshire Council & Urchfont Parish Council, prior to work commencing, with particular reference to protection of the environs, especially Pond Green. The Parish Council would welcome discussion with the developer on this matter.
- That the proposed Garages and Parking spaces be reserved for cars in perpetuity."
- CLICK HERE to see full draft minutes of that meeting.
13th February 2013 - It is understood that this development has been recommended for approval by the Wiltshire Council Planning Officer but that planning permission has not yet been approved pending finalisation of the Section 106 agreement and modification of some of the conditions. It is not yet known when final planning permission will be granted.
30th June 2014 - Redcliffe Homes commenced demolition and construction works on the 30th June 2014, these works will continue into 2015. As a result there is increased heavy traffic through and around the Village which will inevitably inconvenience and delay other road users and pedestrians. Maintaining safety at all times is obviously a major priority for Redcliffe Homes both on and off-site. Health and Safety posters have been displayed on Parish notice boards and around Pond Green in this respect.
Please take extra care in the Village when driving or on foot, especially in the vicinity of the Pond and Manor Farm Yard itself. It is your interests to keep children and dogs under strict control and out of harms way wherever and whenever construction activity or movement is taking place. Remember that big lorries and other construction vehicles can be dangerous if approached too closely and that such activity will undoubtedly attract the attention of children in particular. You are advised to be alert at all times.
Do not enter the construction site at any time without prior permission and direction of the Site Manager.
Councillor Simon Holt (01380 840100) will be monitoring the development and acting as the Parish Council focal point if you have any concerns or safety issues which you feel need to be brought to the attention of Redcliffe Homes, he will be holding regular meetings with them to discuss such issues.In his absence please contact Councillor Dave Mottram (01380 840612)
17th September 2014 -Work continues apace at Manor farmyard. Some houses are built to above first floor joist level and gable walls are being constructed. The site agent is pleased that, when the mains sewer is connected, the entrance at the Mulberry House side of the site will be closed off to delivery vehicles allowing them to use the Friars Lane entrance as the base coat of site tarmac has been laid. The Mulberry House entrance will continue to be used for some contractors’ cars and vans. There is currently room for about 20 contractors’ vehicles on site.
A road sweeper will continue to be used when spoil is removed from the site and one was commissioned specifically on the day of ‘Fun Round the Pond’.
When the mains electricity is laid to the site the feed will be laid underground from the Nag’s Head sub-station which will cause some disturbance. No date has yet been given for these works to be undertaken by the electricity company.
If anyone needs information, has concerns or requires clarification about the Manor Farm development, could you please speak to Councillor Simon Holt on 01380 840100 or 07765 402079 rather than directly with the Site Agent. Simon has weekly meetings to discuss matters and can also raise urgent issues with the agent should a need arise.
22nd September 2014 - This update is for anyone who might be feeling a little confused as to what this development and the road thereon will actually be called when completed, we have been assured by Redcliffe Homes that it will be called MANOR FARMYARD and that a post code has been issued in this respect. This is the name that the Parish Council approved.
However, for marketing puposes only, you may have seen that it was first advertised as Snook's Yard on the display board at the site, this has now been changed to Badelynge Yard which is the name for a collection of ducks. House types on the development are being named after individual duck species.
Watch this space for further updates.