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Redhone Community Trust

Welcome to Redhone Community Trust (RCT)

The Redhone Community Trust is a not for profit organisation based in Wiltshire with the objectives:

To protect, sustain and enhance land and other resources in our area for the benefit of the community through the pursuit of social, environmental and economic projects

To promote sustainable development for the benefit of the public by the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment and the prudent use of resources.

The Trust has been formed for the benefit of the communities that make up the Parish of Urchfont in Wiltshire and those parishes whose boundaries adjoin Urchfont

Government services are moving away from local communities. The most recent examples being the  closure of Post Offices and the setting up of a Unitary Authority for Wiltshire.  Climate change and the increasing shortages and costs of fuel pose fundamental challenges for us all.  People are increasingly concerned about the source and quality of the food they buy and the distances much of it has to travel to reach their plates.  In future communities will need to take more responsibility for their own environment to ensure that the resources and assets they have are used for the benefit of the community in a sustainable manner.  The Redhone Community Trust is our response to these changes.

If you would like to find out more about the Trust or become involved then please do email us or drop us a line.

Registered Office: The Shop, The Green Urchfont, Devizes Wilts SN10 4QU

Incorporated in England as a company limited by guarantee with No 6494556

Copyright © 2008 Redhone Community Trust All Rights reserved

Contact redhonecommunitytrust@live.co.uk






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