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Parochial Church Council and Redhorn News

PCC (Parochial Church Council)
The Parochial Church Council are responsible for the care and maintenance of the church and churchyard and – with the Rector – for the worship and ministry of the church.
Churchwardens           Chris Grant                  01380 840425
                                     Ian Smith                     01380 840104
Secretary                     Carole Jones                01380 840338
Treasurer                     Mally Kimber                01380 840637
There are nine other members, with annual elections. Meetings are held every other month – with the Team Council (where all the Cannings & Redhorn churches come together) in intervening months.
Redhorn News
This is a monthly magazine serving communities either side of the A342 east of Devizes, as far as Wilsford. 
Each issue, comprising a mixture of religious articles (including church services), community contributions and village events, is produced by volunteers and funded by advertising revenue, donations and subscriptions. The yearly subscription is £4. If you would like to receive a copy please contact the editors. All residents of Urchfont receive a free copy (courtesy of the Parish Council and two village trusts). Extra copies can often be found in all our churches and Urchfont Community Shop.
The editors welcome contributions from readers either by email to redhornmag@gmail.com or hard copy can be handed into the Urchfont Community shop. The deadline for the next issue will be found in each magazine, or by contacting the editors either on the email above or by telephoning them on the numbers below.
If you would like to advertise in our magazine please contact the Advertising Manager through the redhornmag@gmail.com email address.
Editor:    Joan Barnett         01380 812593      Publisher:      Rev. Richard Curtis    07855 746041
                       Treasurer:      Paul Scarffe              01380 722523