Affordable homes to rent or buy in Urchfont
Under Construction!
Affordable homes in Urchfont for local people to rent or part buy.
White Horse Housing Association has 4 affordable homes on the Hales Farm development opposite the school in Urchfont due to be completed in early summer 2023. The homes are 1 x 2 bed house for rent, 1 x 2 bed house for shared ownership sale, 1 x 3 bed house for rent and 1 x 3 bed house for shared ownership sale.
If you are interested and have a local connection to Urchfont or surrounding parishes then please ring White Horse Housing Association for further information.
You must also register with Homes 4 Wiltshire in good time to be able to apply for the rented homes when they are advertised in April/May. Please go to the following Website to register – Contact us if you have any problems with this registration process.
If you are interested in purchasing one of the shared ownership homes you need to get in touch with White Horse Housing for further information.
Our contact details:-
White Horse Housing Association
Lowbourne House
Lowbourne Road
SN12 7DZ
Tel 01380 850916
Open Mon to Thurs 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4.30pm.