The Urchfont allotments are situated alongside the Parish Cemetery on land owned by Urchfont Parish Council.
The allotments are managed on behalf of the Parish Council by the The Urchfont Allotments Associationon
on a self funding basis, the funds being held and accounted for by Urchfont Parish Council. The Association
reports to the Parish Council via the appointed Lead Councillor and / or the the Clerk to the Council.
All tenants are required to sign a tenancy agreement, copies of which are kept by both the Association and
the Clerk to the Council. Recommendations for changes to this agreement may be made by either the
Association or the Parish Council, but must be ratified by the full Parish Council.
The Allotments Association holds an Annual General Meeting of its members in November each year.
If you are interested in becoming an allotment holder or require more information, please contact
the Allotments Association through Joyce Organ on:
01380 848233 or by email on
Click to see a copy of the Allotment Associations updated Terms of Reference (approved 13th July 2016).
Click here to see a copy of the updated Tenancy Agreement 2014 document (approved 6th November 2013).